
Hello queens, I have teamed up with CURLS @frizzfreecurls hair care line and created this event to celebrate all kinds of women to embrace their natural hair & beauty. Your ticket will include hair care tips/advice, a personal goodie bag filled with Curls hair products, pictures, and great vibe’s with other beautiful curly-haired women. Drinks + snacks will be included. There’s only 20 tickets available!


Big Chop- April 27th 2016!!


Top Left Picture: When my hair was it’s healthiest

2nd Left picture: Heat damage, color damage, split ends

3rd Left: The day I made the decision to cut my hair

Right Picture: MY BIG CHOP!

April 27th 2016 was the day I made a huge decision to chop off all my damaged hair and stat over with a Teeny Weeny Afro (TWA). Honestly it was the best decision I have ever made. Initially I was scared because I thought I would look less attractive, I would be insecure with myself & I even thought my relationship could potentially end because I wouldn’t look the same… Yes I went that far into over-thinking lol! But after listening to a song by #India.Arie “I am not my Hair ft. Akon” the lyrics really spoke to me. She explains in the song how she grew up being this young black girl who had tried everything with her hair basically trying to fit in with the world. She went Flat, Jheri curl, Dreadlocks, you name it. She goes on to explain that by the age of 18 she went completely natural because she was looking for the woman that she TRUELY is inside. After she cut every last deadlock off she “looked in the mirror and saw that I AM NOT MY HAIR, I AM NOT THIS SKIN, I AM THE SOUL THAT LIVES WITHIN!”. These words personally gave me strength because I understood exactly what India.Arie was going through at this point in her life. After listening to the song I was able to think past what the world wants us naturally kinky-haired girls to think about our hair, our skin, our confidence, our appearance and so much more. I was able to understand that at the end of the day that, what is on top of my head is just HAIR…and thats all. Nothing more and nothing less.It will not make or break me, and cutting it off does not define who I am. I wanted to start my natural hair journey but I knew I had to cut off my hair and let go of the ropes that I let define who I was in the past. So what did I do? I walked into a Deva Curl Certified salon and I let the hair stylist know exactly what I had been going through with my hair, and I let her know exactly what I wanted to do about it. The next thing I knew I was staring at chunks of poofy curls on the floor…After my cut was finished the stylist turned me toward the mirror and I can’t express how happy I truly was to find out I not only loved my new cut, I loved how empowered I felt within myself. I felt like more of an attractive women than I have ever felt in my life. It was the greatest feeling, and I will always remember that day. I walked out of that salon so proud & so thankful to know that India.Arie was right, I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within! Thanks for reading! I hope that I have inspired atleast just one beautiful queen to find her inner magic. Keep glowing love!


5 Tips for Curly Hair

fullsizerender-2-jpg01. Drink Water! ugh …I know what your thinking, everybody says the same thing… but compare your hair to a plant. Plants need water, nutrients and a whole lot of patience in order to grow. And the same goes for your hair. If you drink water and wet your hair throughout the week your hair is able to retain much more moisture.

2. Protective Styling, is not always the best way to go. I have found that when my hair is at it’s natural state it appears to grow much faster.

3. Oils, Everyone’s hair is different. Different curl patterns, coils, and textures. So finding the right oil truly comes from trial & error. I have found that coconut oil is very lightweight yet does the trick! It leaves my hair soft, shiny, and smelling tropical.

4. Trimming, Regularly trimming your hair is so important I can’t stress that enough. At some point in our hair journey our ends tend to become old, weak, dry or brittle through everyday styling, weather changes, hair manipulation, hair coloring etc. Trim about an 1 inch-2inches every 6-8 weeks.

5. Patience, is the KEY! Nobody’s hair grows overnight or even dramatically in just one year’s worth of time. Hair growth takes a lot of time, care, patience, and loyalty. So enjoy your Big chop, enjoy your ear length cut, enjoy your awkward phase, enjoy your TWA while you have it! Because if your taking good care of your hair, the growth will come.

Fine Curly Hair!

Processed with VSCO with q7 preset

Not every natural curly girl has thick coarse hair. I personally have a whole lot of thin strands of hair. No this doesn’t mean I have damaged hair, this just simply means my strands of hair are fine instead of coarse. Discovering that I am a fine curly-haired gal, has helped me so much during my natural hair journey. I must find hair products that are super lightweight and do not contain a lot of heavy oils. I also must treat my hair very delicately especially when detangling. CONDITIONER ALL THE WAY! is my motto. The more conditioner the better the slip when I am coming out my hair. This in result means less hair shedding in the shower. Deep conditioning is a must at least once a week & protective styling such as twist outs & braid outs are to be kept as minimum as possible. I personally grow my hair much faster when my hair is at it’s most natural state. This means my Wash N Go’s are my primary styling techniques because their is little manipulation with my hair strands with wash n go’s. Although I have restarted my natural hair journey in April of 2016, the process is always continuing! Thanks for reading beautiful!

                                                                       Love & Light -Asia